Saturday, 30 April 2016


Pike (english); Hecht, Schmuck (german); luccio (italian); lucio (from spain); brochet (france); щука (russian) – a Stuke (pron. “Snooke”) is a fish that hides in the reeds of a river just as its fins are its flukes. Hence a Stuka (pron. Stu-koo-a) is a pike that hides in the reeds with the control of its a fish that STops its flUKEs and hides in the reeds and stops its movement. In prison and among criminals to hide something illegal - say drugs - is to "Stuke". Štuka (оn cyrillic letters and Russian letters) is on Serbian and щука is on Russian. The trident of Hermes is the first cyrillic and Russian letter. When Š is said, it is like saying “Sheep” (Hermes The Shepherd). Hence the Stuka is a Flying Fish and the Adriatic Stuka was shot down underwater as a Fata Morgana. River fish are called Coarse Fish and what this leads up to is that the Stuka is a representation of The Devil - ie. Coarse, wanton. Northern pike - The northern pike (Esox lucius), known simply as a pike in Britain, Ireland, most of Canada, and most parts of the United States, (also called jackfish or simply "northern" in the U.S. Upper Midwest and in Manitoba), is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox (the pikes). See Relations to billiard game Snooker where the objective is to out-place balls to prevent striking.

ABOVE: Note the underwing treble Fasces of the Italian state.

ABOVE: A Junkers of the Italian Fascist Airforce that has been shot down in the Adriatic sea - a gull-winged Stuka pike flying underwater - a fata morgana !!

NOTE ABOVE: Flying Angry Penguin Motif – a Fata Morgana !