Sunday, 15 May 2016


Thoth observes and operates the Scales that weigh an ibis feather against the soul of the newly dead in the Egyptian world. If it does not balance, the soul and its embodiment are devoured by a ravenous beast and are forever destroyed. From that point the dead undergo a series of tests to reach their Final Resting place. Thoth is also an alchemist and well-versed in the ways of mummification of the newly dead and hence adorns the canopic jars in his various forms. Into the canopic jars are put the innards of the freshly dead during mummification. Thoth is Thoth the Twice and Fifth Born (Thoth X) whilst being in the Trismegistus (Thrice Born) Hermes of Greece and Mercury of Rome. He is also Hermes-Heimdale to the Germanic tribes of Odin and King Manus.  

The fish swim around the obelisks and pyramids worshiping ...

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